  • Registration and complete incorporation of your business
  • Business start-up planning
  • Building by-law
  • Building payroll system and employee training
  • Advisory services and support for organizing business growth
  • Building accounting system
  • Building point of sale system
  • Building internal control system and documents flow

Incorporate your business

Benefits of Incorporating.

Limited Liability

Unlike partnerships and sole proprietorship’s where the owner assumes all the instances of liability of the business, once a company is incorporated, the owners’ liability is limited to the specific amount of their investments in the business.

The Company Carries On

An incorporated business continues to operate even if some or all the current shareholders leave the business or die or the overall ownership of the company changes.

Raising Capital is Easier

In addition to borrowing money, corporations can raise more capital through equity financing. This is a process that involves selling shares to venture capitalists or angel investors.

Tax Savings

Once your company gets incorporated, it will become subject to more favourable corporate income tax rates compared to the individual tax rates. That means your company can save more money to help finance its operations and future growth. Also, incorporated businesses allow for income splitting among family members and this leads to further tax savings


Why Choose Us to Incorporate Your Business

  • Business is setup by a professional
  • We define the share structure to accommodate future growth
  • We set you up with CRA: Like HST, Business Number, Payroll, WSIB
  • Provide assistance in staff hiring
  • Advice you on your tax obligations
  • Reduce taxes by doing tax planning
  • Advice on how to manage books and records for CRA
  • Do your bookkeeping & File year-end taxes at year-end
  • Serve as a business advisor by providing solutions to your business problems
  • You get to take advantage of our experience and industry knowledge at no extra cost